Help us shape Switzerland's digital transformation through diverse and impactful projects !

ELCAdemy & Internships


ELCAdemy, launched in 2019, is aimed at young IT graduates. The programme gives you the opportunity to accelerate your transition to the international IT world and tackle exciting and innovative projects:

  • Coached by best experts in the marketplace
  • Mix of academic and 'on the job' education
  • Experience real collaborative teamwork



Graduates jobs

Graduates - Join our IT Tribe

Beyond your eagerness to meet new exciting challenges, we are looking for young professionals who will fit within a strong collaborative environment, centered around key values such as commitment, trustworthiness and growth mindset. 

Check our junior positions

We love initiatives with a purpose.

ELCA was one of the main sponsors of the UoM App Cup 2023, an inter-university mobile app competition organised by the UoM Computer Club. The competition aims to foster an environment of innovation, creativity, and collaboration among the participants. This event is an ideal platform for aspiring mobile app developers and designers to showcase their talent and gain recognition.

UoM App Cup 2023


Meet our ELCAtians !